Our offer for refugees, migrants and helpers in Thuringia
Inhalte in Deutsch
Consultation, lectures and workshops for refugees and refugee workers.
Frank Gärtner / stock.adobe.com
Consultation, lectures and workshops for refugees and refugee workers.
The consumer association advises you, if you (the consumer) are in trouble with a company. With our lectures and workshops we‘re happy to come to your institution or group. Please contact us, if you´re interested in our offer.
„Consumer“ means as much as „customer“
Refugees in Germany are confronted with a lot of questions. How to open an account? What insurances do I need? What is actually allowed on the internet? How do I find a good contract for my mobile phone? How do I find a suitable provider for electricity or gas? What foods are healthy?
Everyone who buys something for private use or concludes a contract at a store is a consumer. In that case „consumer“ means as much as „customer“.
What does a customer association do?
Some companies exploit it, when their customers do not know their rights or speak little German. They treat their consumers unfairly. The consumers then have to pay a lot of money for bad products. We help people that have problems with such companies. Consumer associations exist in every German State. The consumer associations are independent of companies or political interests.
These are the topics we advise and inform you
The consumer association advises you if you are in a conflict with a company or a service provider, for example:
Mobile phone or internet contracts
Buying things in a store or on the internet
Contracts with dating agencies or model agencies
Provider for electricity or gas
Contracts with craftsmen
We also advise on:
Bank accounts, financial investments and insurances
Saving electricity
Food and nutrition
Copyright infringements: A lawyer contacts you? We know what to do next.
An overview of our advisory service is available here. Our offer: consultations, lectures, workshops
Visit us in one of our consultation centres in Thuringia. We have 13 consultation centres for legal questions and 27 energy consultation centres. Our consultants support you. Alternatively you can use our online or telephone consultation.
Bring somebody with you who can translate into German!
Since autuum 2020 we offer consultion in Arabic in our consultion center in Erfurt. Please make an appointment before (0361) 555 14 70 or (0361) 555 14 0.
Our consultation offer does not include: labour law, asylum law, social law
The consultations cost some money, depending on the topic.
Lectures and workshops
We give lectures to refugees and refugee workers.
We come to you and you choose the consumer topic. We explain what a consumer association does, also in simple language. Duration: 60 to 120 minutes
Minimum number of participants: 10. Our lectures and workshops are free for you.
Foto: Daniel Ernst / stock.adobe.com
Information for refugees and refugee workers
To the main page with our offers for people and institutions, who support asylum seekers in Germany.
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